Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Makers' Block

Last Sunday, I got the chance to go to Makers' Block: A Build, Craft & Design Experience  which was at Suntec City Mall.  This is the largest learning festival for makers in Singapore, and believe me, it's not very often that you get such an event in Singapore.

Doodle Wall

There was a doodle wall where they invited anyone to draw anything they wanted on the wall.  Now, how often do you get to draw on the wall??  I suppose this is as close as I'll ever get to drawing graffiti :p

One area was dedicated to workshops.  I was attracted to the stamp carving and decided to try my hand at it.  It wasn't as difficult as I expected and the results were so cute!  Oh dear..... I think I'm getting addicted to yet another craft...

Hand-carved rubber stamps
If you are interested in making stuff, it's still not too late to make your way down to Makers' Block which will be on till 7 July.  Check out the schedule for workshops and have fun!!


  1. It's good to learn something new!

    1. Think I've got a new addiction - stamp carving! Hahahah

